Purpletual Blog Theme

Your Name

Example Post Layout

Sep 9, 2020 by Your Name

This is an example blog post. It uses the tailwind typography plugin to style the post content.


This is an example paragraph and below is an example unordered list.

  • Donec sit amet sem vel libero scelerisque cursus et nec ex.
  • Cras at orci ligula.
  • Cras volutpat vitae leo quis blandit.

This is an example ordered list.

  1. Praesent enim metus, vulputate maximus vulputate et, ullamcorper vitae nisi.
  2. Fusce sed quam mauris. Mauris sit amet iaculis lorem.
  3. Nunc eget fringilla felis.

Sub Heading

This is an example of how a quote will look.

This is an example quote

Code Blocks

// A simple code example
$variable = true;


This is an example table

Table heading Another one
Some content more content

Purpletual Blog Theme by C.S. Rhymes